“¿Qué es estrategia? Continuar disparando cuando ya no se tienen balas, sólo para que el enemigo no lo perciba.”
- Anónimo
Nunca infravalore la importancia de la incompetencia en las organizaciones. Ha sido siempre la fuente del descontento, la independencia y el éxito de la actividad emprendedora (William Bliss)
I was figuring on starting some kind of business, but most every business is already engaged more than's necessary; and then, I ain't got no business ability. What I want is something that don't call for no kind of ability whatsoever and no kind of exertion to speak of, and ain't out of town, and pays good, and has a future. (Unattributed but, perhaps the best description of the wannabe entrepreneur)
Bajo el Patrocinio de Kalysis GRUPO |
La empresa española cuenta con la patente del nuevo DNI electrónico |
Bajo el Patronazgo del Centro Andaluz de Emprendedores |
Ganador Europeo 2004: EUROPEAN Winner 2004 - Category EXPANSION: UK
Publicado por: EUROWARDS el miércoles, enero 05, 2005 - 03:19 CET |
Primus Telecommunications Group Incorporated the world’s fifth largest fixed line international telecoms carrier, has been selected as the European Winner of the EC award EUROWARDS 2004 in the category: Expansion
Primus offers bundled voice, data, Internet, digital subscriber line (DSL), Web hosting, enhanced application, virtual private network (VPN), voice-over-Internet protocol (VoIP), and other value-added services.
Founded in 1994, Primus has grown from strength to strength over years. With the European headquarters based in UK, Primus is in a prime position to offer excellent service and savings to our clients. Partnerships with the likes of Vodafone Corporate and Samsung have served to strengthen our ranking in the UK and the rest of Europe.
As the 6th largest overall voice carrier in the world, Primus has over 2.3 million registered users and revenues in excess to US$ 1.3 Billion. Primus has ownership interests in over 25 transoceanic fiber-optic cable systems in Europe, North and South, America, Asia-Pacific region.
Like other industry leaders, Primus delivers high-quality solutions for more than 2.1 million consumers, including small & medium enterprises and multinational businesses. PRIMUS takes advantage of global telecommunications deregulation to bring facilities-based networks and facilities-based data centers for a sophisticated line of services to manage complete E-Business and data communication needs.
Primus Mobiles was launched in September 2003 as the mobile arm of US-based Primus Telecommunications Group Incorporated. The core strategy is simply to capture mobile originating and terminating traffic through the Primus Network as more and more call traffic is generated by mobile telephony.
Our target audience is the ever-expanding segment of the market that communicates through a mobile device both for business and residential use.
Andrew Reid, Managing Director of Primus Mobiles, comments:”We’ve seen the mobile market evolve massively in the last two decades. The most recent trend is for more people to choose to use their mobile phone over their landline. Primarily for lifestyle reasons and because they are ‘on the go’, more people are choosing the convenience of mobile to make international calls.
“It’s highly likely that they are also paying their network service provider for monthly bundled packages which don’t include international minutes. The significant factor with a Primus Mobiles handset is that customers simply need to insert their existing SIM card and begin making international calls – at a competitively low rate. And keeping in touch with the growing number of people who are moving abroad to live, doesn’t have to be costly!”
Nota:More Info
Ganador Europeo 2004: EUROPEAN Winner 2004 - Category START-UP: GERMANY
Publicado por: EUROWARDS el martes, enero 04, 2005 - 08:30 CET |
SEMINARPORTAL New Seminarportal for the medium-sized businesses
The market for seminarportals in the internet is surfeits. No place for a new competitor? Wrong! Since a few month’s a newcomer moves the market with a special concept. First Seminarportal.com was made for the german market. Now Seminarportal.com comes to the market in Great Britan und is planning the entrie for additional European countries
Seminarportal.com http://www.seminarportal.com provides an internet based and independent platform for seminars to medium-sized businesses. Initially targeting the German speaking market, Seminarportal.com now addresses the market in Great Britain as well and is planning to expand to include entries for other European contries.
Via the webpage established by the Frankfurt-based Diplom-Betriebswirt (equiv. master of science in business) Lutz Lochner, companies can easily compare offers for management and business-related seminars tailored especially to the needs of medium-sized companies using an intuitive user interface. The database of Seminarportal.com contains presently approx. 5.500 seminars of different providers that encompass large institutions like the DEKRA-Akademie, but also small and specialised providers and free lance course instructors.
Ganador Europeo 2004: EUROPEAN Winner 2004 - Category SEED: ITALY
Publicado por: EUROWARDS el martes, enero 04, 2005 - 08:11 CET |
BIBLIOTECA D'ALESSANDRIA Digital Library Peer-to-Peer
Biblioteca d'Alessandria is an informatic system devoted to the research and share of full-text scientific documents among scientists, on a peer to peer network, supported by a digital rights management technology
This is a totally new concept of P2P, allowing authors (or rights owners) to decide whether to condition the use of a document or not, whether to put a fee on it or not.
Like most of P2Ps, BdA (Biblioteca d'Alessandria, but also Broad Digital Archive) features a messaging service, so those researchers can talk, ask and collaborate.
Possible uses of such a system are virtually infinite; only users themselves (the researchers) will tell and find the most clever and useful ones. Though, some of them can be easily guessed, along with some direct consequences of the wide use of BdA.
Ganador Europeo 2004: EUROPEAN Winner 2004 - Category ENCOURAGEMENT: SPAIN
Publicado por: EUROWARDS el martes, enero 04, 2005 - 07:54 CET |
The final product is diesel oil obtained through a recycling plastic process. The technical characteristics are very similar to the global aspects of the standard model. It takes a bigger proportion of “light hydrocarbons” than the usual diesel. Low sulphur content also allows the introduction of pollution-reducing system
Our diesel oil quality makes it suitable to be mixed in big quantities even in motor car –always it’s decreased the sulphur part-. It´s also useful for others kind of motor: boiler, electrical generator… The most relevant technical features into the process: it´s the only one in the European Industrial World. There are just two Japanese factories that use this kind of technology in the world. 1kg plastic/1L diesel performance is 95%.
It’s possible the use of dirty plastic without any processing in advance. It’s completely committed to environmental rules emission.
Ganador Europeo 2004: Cuatro Compañías Europeas Consiguen los Premios EUROWARDS
Publicado por: EUROWARDS el martes, enero 04, 2005 - 07:42 CET |
Bruselas, 1 de Enero de 2005.- El Comisionado Europeo, bajo los criterios rectores de viabilidad, originalidad, visión europea y capacidad de competir, ha decido otorgar los siguientes premios EUROWARDS en su Edición 2004
EUROWARDS 2004 - Ganador Europeo IDEA DE NEGOCIO (Encouragement) : Tecnologías e Innovación del Plástico, Spain
- Ganador Europeo SEMILLA (Seed) : Biblioteca de Alessandria, Italy http://web.archive.org/web/20050203103239/http://www.bdaweb.net.
Ha merecido Mención de Honor, la empresa española Garza Andamios, Ganador Nacional representante de Cantabria en la Categoría Start-up http://web.archive.org/web/20050212160243/http://www.garzandamios.com.
- Ganador START-UP (Start-up): Seminarportal, Germany http://www.seminarportal.com
- Ganador EXPANSIÓN (Expansion): PRIMUS Telecommunications, UK http://www.primustel.co.uk/about_us.htm
El Comisionado Europeo de los Premios, a 1 de Enero de 2005.
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NOTA: Folleto correspondiente a la Región Valenciana |
¿Sabía que EUROWARDS es el mayor concurso para Emprendedores de la Unión Europea y a nivel Nacional en España? |
· All Categories · Agencias (jun 28, 2004) · Anuncios (jun 16, 2004) · Entrevista (abr 22, 2004) · Estudio de caso (may 10, 2004) · Finales Regionales 2004 (oct 24, 2004) · Finalista Nacional 2004 (nov 24, 2004) · Finalistas Regionales (nov 10, 2004) · Ganador Europeo 2004 (ene 05, 2005) · Nombramientos (abr 20, 2004) · Nota de Prensa (ene 23, 2005) · Ojo al dato (jul 07, 2004) · Opinión (abr 19, 2004)
Martes, enero 04
· Cuatro Compañías Europeas Consiguen los Premios EUROWARDS (28)
· Nueva Etapa del Concurso Decano para Emprendedores de la Unión Europea (25)
Jueves, diciembre 23
· Empresas con presencia exterior (2)
Martes, diciembre 07
· ANID : Líder en Bibliotecas Digitales y e-Learning en Español (25)
· Educación para el Emprendimiento (28)
Miércoles, noviembre 24
· GARZA SCAFFOLDS :: Start Up (23)
Domingo, noviembre 21
· ASTRAEA ASTILLEROS, S.L. :: Expansion (26)
Sábado, noviembre 13
· Los Ganadores Españoles de EUROWARDS 2004 (21)
Miércoles, noviembre 10
· Cuatro Empresas de Jaén, Sevilla y Cádiz logran un premio europeo a emprendedores (26)
Sábado, noviembre 06
· Imponderables en la Final Nacional (2)
Domingo, octubre 24
· Cuatro empresas emprendedoras logran los premios EUROWARDS en Cantabria con proyectos innovadores (22)
Viernes, octubre 22
· Programa Ceremonia Regional EUROWARDS en la Comunidad Valenciana (29)
· El director general de Juventud entregó, en Zafra, los premios europeos EUROWARDS en su quinta edición (28)
Jueves, octubre 21
· Cityred, organización sin ánimo de lucro, Ganador de la Categoría SEMILLA por Castilla y León (24)
Viernes, octubre 15
· www.abconcursos.com gana la Fase Regional Categoría START-UP por Castilla y León (26)
· Histórica Final Regional de EUROWARDS en Andalucía (24)
· bbk Gazte Lanbidean Fundazioa ha creado 730 nuevas empresas (27)
· Extremadura: Ceremonia Regional del Concurso Europeo para Emprendedores EUROWARDS (29)
Miércoles, octubre 13
· Final Nacional EUROWARDS en el Palacio de Santoña, Madrid (2)
Lunes, octubre 11
· La Buena Salud de EUROWARDS, El Concurso para Emprendedores de la Unión Europea (20)
· La Actividad Emprendedora en la Literatura (26)
· La Fundación RURALCAJA de Alicante y EUROWARDS de Bruselas deciden colaborar en la Comunidad Valenciana (29)
Domingo, octubre 03
· El Concurso Europeo para Emprendedores EUROWARDS de Bélgica en Alicante (23)
· La Universidad de Sevilla se incorpora al Comité Regional de EUROWARDS (29)
· ECOSISTEMAS DIGITALES INSULARES : Ganador por Canarias de la Categoría START-UP (28)
· El Centro Eben - Ezer : Ganador de la Categoría SEMILLA por Canarias (21)
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